How can you tell if you are an Indigo? A good way to “test” yourself is to answer the following:
Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn’t set up for your kind? Do you feel wise beyond your years? Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society? Do you feel out of place in today’s world? Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you? Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not? Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what’s real? Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life? Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs? Misunderstood by family? Perhaps the black sheep of the family? Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind? Are you emotionally sensitive? Did you have a difficult childhood? Do you often feel disempowered by too much authority?
If you can answer yes to these questions, then you are most likely an Indigo. If you want outside validation than you may want to find a person who has honed the gift of clairvoyance, the gift of seeing what most people do not. The clairvoyant person while looking at you or tuning into your energy field, will be able to tell if you are Indigo or not by the colour of your aura which is the invisible energy field surrounding your physical body. You can also have an aura photo taken to see for yourself your own colours